Four documents clearing the air on family, marriage, children, and openness to life

“Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie, once an opponent of same-sex marriage, said Thursday his views on the matter have shifted, citing the Vatican’s recent document on same-sex blessings as evidence that ‘even the Church is changing.’” So reported the Catholic News Agency. And Mr. Christie is not the only casualty of the confusion surrounding the Vatican’s  Fiducia Supplicans,a document released last month vaguely addressing the issue of “blessings.”

“Blessings.” A seemingly harmless issue, but unfortunately the document wasn’t about blessings at all. It was a further dose of confusion injected into the ongoing campaign to normalize “Gender Ideology,” all under the usual camouflage of “caring” and “welcoming.”
It worked. 

Does the document begin by invoking the message of Humanae Vitae, affirming the fundamental really that “Male and Female He created them” (Genesis 5:2)?Of course not. That would have made the remaining 6,000 words unnecessary. 

But ambiguity reigns, and, to sort things out, we list below  four documents that are helpful in clearing the air on an issue of fundamental importance: not “blessings,” but the family, marriage, children, and openness to life.

First, Archbishop Charles Chaput, archbishop emeritus of Philadelphia, who spells out some basics: sin is sin. Truth is truth. There are still Ten Commandments, not eight, or seven, or six. They are mandatory, not optional.

Archbishop Chaput sorts things out here.

Second, we turn to Roberto de Mattei, who takes a critical view informed by his tracing of the history of the “new morality” during the pat fifty years.

Read Roberto Mattei’s critical analysis here.

Father Gerald Murray offers an incisive analysis, and  Father. Raymond J. de Souza asks twenty pertinent questions here, although the answers are a little hard to come by, here.